The Idea Behind the Project

The "Spread the Upcycling Methods" project by the creative duo GB/VX (GarcĂ­a Bello and Villamax) is an initiative based on the principles of circular economy and knowledge transfer. Its main objective is to disseminate research on upcycling by providing tools to understand production based on this method and its significance for transitioning to a circular economy. This training includes practical exercises for developing reproducible garments using recycling patterns designed to repair, reconstruct, and reuse garments no longer in use. Core values emphasize the utilization of existing textile materials and donations from the local community, which are given new life through artisanal production.

The Message of the Project

The project aims to spread recycling and reuse methods, promoting the practice of upcycling in the fashion industry and beyond. By sharing these methods, it seeks to inspire advocates of slow and sustainable fashion, as well as businesses and communities, to adopt more sustainable practices and contribute to building a more circular economy.

What Next?

As this project progresses, it will focus on expanding its reach and collaboration, developing an upcycling training and education platform, along with a beautiful annual magazine highlighting practical exercises and stories. It will collaborate with other industry stakeholders to introduce upcycling methods to new audiences and foster positive change in how fashion is produced and consumed.

instagram: @garciabello_
instagram: @villamaxstore
Research and Production Project based on Circular Economy and Knowledge Transfer